Enter the invoice number.
The number is indicated on the invoice under the barcode.

Express courier delivery service welcomes you!
Our company offers courier, warehouse and customs services of various types.We have been working since 1997 and are one of the largest courier companies on the market.
Courier Servis Express improves the quality of its Customers' business.

Phone number

(800) 970-2408
  • 16.07.2024
    Beaumont Post Office Announces Hiring Blitz

    Dear customers!

    The event takes place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 23.
    Available job positions include mail carriers and clerks.

  • 07.19.2024
    Lists Hundreds of Post Offices and Other Facilities Where It Will Consolidate Operations

    Dear customers!

    The changes will take place as soon as next month.

  • 18.07.2024
    U.S. states urge postal service to halt gas vehicle purchases

    A group of 17 state attorneys general urged the U.S. Postal Service to halt planned purchases of gasoline-powered delivery vehicles pending a new environmental review, in a statement on Monday that encouraged the purchase of electric vehicles (EVs).